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The Airplane Bit

A hilarious take on the trials and tribulations of air travel.

Airplane, Travel, Comedy
4.8(123 ratings)
5 min


Sentiment Analysis

Positive Sentiment
Negative Sentiment
John Doe

The opening bit about the security line could use some more punch. Maybe add a bit about the TSA agent being overly aggressive with the pat-down?

Jane Appleseed

The bit about the crying baby on the plane is hilarious! I love the way you mimicked the sound and the frustrated reactions of the other passengers.


Current Version

John Doe

The opening bit about the security line could use some more punch. Maybe add a bit about the TSA agent being overly aggressive with the pat-down?

Jane Appleseed

The bit about the crying baby on the plane is hilarious! I love the way you mimicked the sound and the frustrated reactions of the other passengers.

Previous Versions


Initial Version
May 1, 2023

The initial version of the Airplane Bit was performed at the local comedy club. It received positive feedback from the audience and was well-received.

Revised Version
June 15, 2023

The bit was revised to include more specific details about the airport experience. The new version was well-received and generated more laughs.

Performance Upload
July 1, 2023

A video recording of the revised Airplane Bit was uploaded to the platform. The performance received positive feedback and a 4.8 rating.

Audience Feedback
July 2, 2023

Audience members provided positive feedback on the revised Airplane Bit, suggesting that it was one of the funniest bits they had seen in a while.


John Doe
July 2, 2023

This bit is hilarious! The airport references really hit home. Can't wait to see more from you.

Jane Appleseed
July 3, 2023

The revised version is even better than the original! The added details really make it shine. Keep up the great work!